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Exploring the Various Types of Pendulum Rides

Pendulum rides are a thrilling and heart-pounding attraction found in amusement parks and theme parks around the world. These rides, characterized by their swinging motions, provide an exhilarating experience that leaves riders breathless and excited for more. In this article, we will delve into the world of pendulum rides and explore the various types that have become a staple of the amusement park industry.

Giant Frisbee:

The Giant Frisbee is a massive pendulum ride that can accommodate numerous passengers. Riders sit in a circular gondola that swings back and forth, creating a sensation of weightlessness as they soar to impressive heights. The circular motion gives riders a feeling of flying while enjoying breathtaking views.

Wave Swinger:

Wave Swinger pendulum rides offer a more relaxed and elegant swinging experience. Riders sit in individual chairs suspended from a rotating top. As the ride gains momentum, the chairs swing outward, creating a graceful and picturesque spectacle. Wave Swingers are suitable for riders of all ages.

Super Loop:

Super Loop pendulum rides are characterized by their vertical looping motion. Riders are secured in seats that move in a circular path, eventually rotating fully upside down. This inversion provides an intense and thrilling sensation, making Super Loop rides a favorite among adrenaline junkies.


Kamikaze rides are compact pendulum attractions that combine both swinging and spinning motions. Riders are seated in open gondolas that rotate as the pendulum arm swings back and forth. The combination of movements creates a wild and unpredictable ride experience.

Top Scan:

Top Scan rides feature an inverted pendulum arm with multiple gondolas attached. The arm rotates, and the gondolas simultaneously spin on their own axis, creating a dizzying and disorienting experience for riders. Top Scan rides are known for their intense and dynamic movements, making them a favorite among thrill-seekers.

Top scan ride in the amusement park


Frisbee rides are smaller versions of the Giant Frisbee, offering a similar swinging sensation but on a smaller scale. These rides are suitable for smaller amusement parks and are known for their impressive height and speed.

Sky Swat:

Sky Swat pendulum rides offer a unique inverted experience. Riders are seated in a horizontal position facing outward as the ride swings back and forth, giving them the sensation of soaring through the sky while being securely harnessed.

Pirate Ship:

Pirate ship pendulum rides are designed to resemble a classic sailing vessel on the website of Beston Amusement, with a swinging motion that mimics the rolling of a ship on the high seas. Passengers sit in rows and experience the exhilaration of being on a thrilling voyage. Pirate ship rides often feature intricate theming, including pirate flags and decorations.

Thrill pirate ship rides

Choosing the Right Pendulum Ride:

When amusement park owners consider adding a pendulum ride to their attractions, several factors come into play:

Space: Evaluate the available space to ensure the ride can be accommodated safely and efficiently within the park’s layout.

Target Audience: Consider the park’s target demographic and choose a pendulum ride that aligns with the interests and preferences of your visitors.

Intensity: Pendulum rides vary in intensity, so it’s crucial to select a ride that matches the overall thrill level of your park.

Budget: Determine the budget for purchase, installation, and ongoing maintenance, as some pendulum rides for sale may have higher operating costs.

Safety: Ensure that the chosen pendulum ride meets all safety regulations and standards to guarantee the well-being of your guests.

Pendulum rides are a diverse category of attractions that offer a wide range of thrilling experiences, from graceful swings to intense rotations. These rides have become an integral part of the amusement park industry, providing visitors with memorable moments of excitement and exhilaration. Whether you’re seeking family-friendly fun or heart-pounding thrills, there’s a pendulum ride to suit every taste and preference, making them a must-have addition to any amusement park’s lineup.