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The Different Types Of Bumper Cars You Can Get

Bumper cars have been a part of amusement parks for many years. If you are thinking of opening an amusement park, you could be overwhelmed by the different types of bumper cars that you can get. In order to choose the right bumper cars for your park, you need to know more about the different types.

Grid Bumper Cars

Electric bumper cars for the Philippines from will come in two different grid types. The first is the ceiling grid and the second is the floor grid. The way that they draw power to the cars will vary, and you need to know about this.

The ceiling grid cars will use a hot rod to draw electrical current from the top ceiling grid. This current will drive the motor in the car and allow it to move. Once the motor in the car is activated, the current will run down the rod and the car can start to move.

The floor grid cars will draw their power from a conductive floor. There will be 2 conductive brushes under the body of the bumper cars. When they are set correctly, two opposite polarity strips will be covered and this creates the complete circuit needed to power the car.

Battery Powered Cars

If you do not want to use electricity in the bumper car arena, you should look at battery-powered bumper cars. As the name suggests, these cars will have a battery inside them that allows them to move. Once the car is turned on, the entire circuit in the cars will be live.

The Different Sizes

Ceiling grid, floor grid, and battery-powered are the main types of bumper cars for sale in the Philippines that you can get, but they will be further divided by the size and materials used. Bumper cars will come in small, medium and large sizes. The most popular size is medium because they are large enough for teenagers.

Small bumper cars are designed for children to use. They will generally be shaped like cartoons and animals with other child attractive decorations. The large bumper cars are made for adults or have 2 seats in them. These bumper cars are the best choice if you want to offer a family experience in the bumper car arena.

The Materials

The most popular material used for bumper cars is fiberglass. Inflatable bumper cars are also popular, but they have more limited usage. It is important to note that fiberglass bumper cars will be more expensive, but they can be more fun to ride.

If you are targeting smaller children, you can consider getting inflatable bumper cars. They are cheaper and will be more attractive to children. This is due to their ease of use.

There are 3 primary types of bumper cars based on the way they are powered. When choosing the bumper cars and other kiddie amusement rides, such as carousels, indoor playground equipment for sale, trackless trains for your amusement park, you need to consider the size and materials used as well. Who will be using them will affect your decision as well as the way they are going to be used.